adjectives nationality French

You will find below a great selection of lessons to start learning nationalities in French, whether it is in feminine or masculine. You will learn the rule for the agreement of adjecttives of nationalities and will be able to ask  someone's nationality or say yours. 

After that, you can practice with the selection of exercises and you will be ready to introduce yourself properly. 

Note that this is an A1 level lesson, perfect for beginners. 


List of nationalities in masculine and feminine - You learn French

Dire sa nationalité en francais (the rule) - On parle

Les nationalités - Podcast francais facile

Countries and nationalities in French - Le FLE en un clic


Les adjectifs de nationalite - Francais facile 

Lesson 2 - Parlo Frances

Lesson 3 (prononciation des adjectifs de nationalite)-TV5 monde 

Lesson 4 - nationality list - Saber frances

Exercices and games on French nationalities (exercices et jeux sur les nationalites)

Exercice 1 -French Online Grammar Quiz

Exercice 2 (practice pronounciation) -TV5 mondea

Exercice 3 (Masculin ou Feminine) - Train French

Exercice 4 (Listening Matching Game - Identifying the gender)- Didier Latitutudes

Exercice 5 (Interactive cross words/mots croises) - Learning apps

Exercice 6 - Interactive worksheet masculine feminine - Live Worksheet

Exercice 7 - Match country and nationality (audio) - Learning apps


Pays et nationalités

Pays et nationalites 2